Hi-FiD - Designated Partner Of World-Renowned White Noise Sound Machine Brands
sound machine for baby from Shenzhen Hi-FiD Electronics Tech Co., Ltd. has gained much more affection from customers at home and abroad. We have a design team keen to design development trend, thus our product is always on the frontier of the industry for its appealing design. It has the superior durability and surprisingly long lifespan. It is also proved that it enjoys a wide application.
We are continuously making innovation on the brand - Hi-FiD and persevere in conducting market investigation and research before starting to conceive and formulate a new design model. And it is noted that efforts at designing and developing new products contribute to our explosive annual sales growth.
Most information about sound machine for baby will be displayed at HFID. As for detailed descriptions, you will learn more through our services with sincerity. We professionally provide customized services.
Contact: Ares Liu
Tel: +86 134 2181 7650
Email: aresliu@hi-fid.com.cn
WhatsApp: +86 134 2181 7650
Address: 4-5F, B7 Building, Hengfeng Industrial City, Zhoushi Road, Hangcheng Street, BAO'AN District, Shenzhen, China.